Aurora - (2018) -


Viola and Piano


Carrie Jones and Allison Tsai at the Peabody Institute on November 14th, 2018


Program Note:

Above all else, Aurora is an exploration of dialogue between two equal partners whose roles are constantly evolving over the course of a dramatic narrative. Traditional soloist/accompanist relationships are rejected: sometimes the viola and piano work together to build a single melodic line from their individual fragments, sometimes they speak over each other, sometimes one floats above the other, and in a few special moments their chaotically independent lines converge to powerful unisons.

While not in any classical form, Aurora is nonetheless based on concepts of development and return, and it attempts to strike a balance between familiarity and evolution. The piece thrives on placing established ideas into new contexts and having material constantly respond to what has come before.

The title comes from images of colorful, flowing lights which kept playing in my mind as I wrote Aurora.